KDHE Says to be Cautious in Rivers & Lakes, Cites Elevated Risk of Infections

KDHE Says to be Cautious in Rivers & Lakes, Cites Elevated Risk of Infections

KDHE Says to be Cautious in Rivers & Lakes, Cites Elevated Risk of Infections

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  • KDHE Says to be Cautious in Rivers & Lakes, Cites Elevated Risk of Infections

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is encouraging residents to be cautious while enjoying streams, rivers and lakes over the Memorial Day weekend and through the summer.

Prolonged rains in most parts of the state have contributed to an increased risk of unintentional injury and bacteria in open bodies of water.

Harmful bacteria, parasites and algae are common in surface water, and those who visit lakes in Kansas should be careful not to ingest the water. People should avoid recreational activities in streams and lakes after rainfall and runoff events while the water is cloudy or opaque to minimize the risk of exposure to germs.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the germs found in the water and sand often come from human or animal feces. Water from the heavy rain picks up anything it comes in contact with, including feces from where animals live and can drain into swim areas. Water contaminated with these germs can make you sick if you swallow it or can cause an infection if you get into the water with an open wound.

Individuals should take precautions such as not swallowing the water, keeping sand away from their mouths and children’s mouths, taking frequent bathroom breaks and washing their hands before preparing or eating food.

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